public trial

美 [ˈpʌblɪk ˈtraɪəl]英 [ˈpʌblɪk ˈtraɪəl]
  • 公开审判;公开审理;公审
public trialpublic trial
  1. Public trial is an essential characteristic of modern judicial system .


  2. The people 's courts carry out a public trial system .


  3. On the Civil Public Trial System in China


  4. Singapore has launched the world 's first public trial of a robo-taxi service .


  5. He was brought to a public trial .


  6. On the Realization of Civil Public Trial


  7. The author think public trial system is also limited . Ultimately it depends on who practices .


  8. Theses criminals will be put on public trial soon .


  9. The new pattern of trial administration is mainly to establish seven mechanisms : implementing public trial ;


  10. The full court conducts a public trial , and implements the principle of direct speech .


  11. Judicial justice is the supreme value target , including public trial , judicial justice and judicial independence .


  12. Public trial system is recognized as the " trial under the sun ", which stands for the progress of litigation system .


  13. There are many conflicts among procedural laws in our country , especially in public trial , challenge system , evidence system and adjudication system .


  14. After the World War II , the public trial system was included in many international conventions ; its international standard hence had been established .


  15. The public trial of the capital cases and impartiality entail their inherent relation without separation . Reviewing the Principle of Open Adjudication


  16. Through comparative analysis of concrete implementation of the public trial system under two large models , the accuracy and the feasibility of the above conclusion has been confirmed .


  17. The firm said it would launch a public trial of the voice-controlled specs with a small group of developers early in 2013 .


  18. Apply the systems of collegial panel , withdrawal of judicial personnel and public trial and a system whereby the second instance is the final instance


  19. It has the procedural worth of considering both procedural justice and substantial justice , being helpful to judicial efficiency , transparent and public trial .


  20. Important in the system of criminal trial principles , the Principle is the core principle in criminal trial stage and the basis of the Public Trial Principle , Combined Trial Principle and Debating Principle .


  21. The article has observed the public trial system in western countries and compared it with the civil public trial system in china , thus to propose some ideas on improving the civil public trial system in china .


  22. And we explain why they felt there was a need to include a law that guaranteed a person the right to a fair and public trial if that person was charged with a crime .


  23. Singapore has claimed a head-start in the global race to deploy self-driving cars with the launch on Thursday of the world 's first public trial of a robo-taxi service .


  24. For example , civil law applicable to the principle of equality , the principle of independence of the courts to exercise jurisdiction , the principle of public trial , defense systems and so on .


  25. Through the exposure of the result , that is , publicity of evidence , the surveillance of the populace can be guaranteed and the value of the public trial can be realized .


  26. Our country law basically conforms to the international standard regarding the stipulation of the public trial . But compared with western major countries , our pubic trial system has the very big disparity and many problems .


  27. The public trial version of Google Chrome is designed to handle not just text and graphics , but also let users run applications that once worked only when installed on local PCs , Reuters reported .


  28. The fate of the couple , who were denied a fully public trial and , at some points , full access to lawyers , has shone a spotlight on the risks facing foreign business people in China .


  29. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence .


  30. 1948 is the formation of US-Soviet Cold War period , Soviet need launch a public trial in Eastern Europe countries in order to compete against the United State , take control of Eastern Europe and oppose the Zionist .
